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Private Mentorship & Coaching
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A 1:1 journey to expand your somatic capacity to receive pleasurable money in your greatest power & liberation so that you can serve your mission in thriving overflow.
For the courageous devoted leader desiring to expand your relationship with money out of the toxic patriarchal colonial paradigm of overwhelm, overdoing, and hustle culture into REGENERATIVE money full of ease, joy, fun, rest,  and WILD PLEASURE.... and who is bold enough to claim it with all of your feminine power.
You know that you are leaping into your next level of wealth and you want it to feel really fucking juicy and pleasurable in your body as it happens.
You are an emotionally intelligent visionary who is well-resourced and ready to take your money & impact to your next level.
You're working more than you want to be working, not in the way you want to be working... and it's wearing you out.
You're feeling tight & contracted by the idea of more money because it feels like more pressure & work.
You desire to DO less and RECEIVE more. 
You think the solution is to create more systems or strategies but deep down you know that’s not addressing the root of the problem. The actual solution is to re-wire your relationship with money in your body so that the way you're receiving money significantly shifts and you have the internally sourced power to make bigger, bolder, moves that give you the space to relax, breathe deeper, and receive with more pleasure.
The truth is that expanding your somatic capacity to feel really fucking good with money gets to make your life more easeful than you've ever known. 

Ancestral alchemy work is what liberates the nervous system out of pushing, forcing, stressful energy into rich, spacious, free energy.

Welcome to a year of intimate guidance and support through the depths of your expansion into your wild, wealthy, woman in overflowing leadership.

Click that button to apply and let's activate your expansion, this space was made for you.
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What's possible when you say yes to your feminine reclamation with me?
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You're successful in your business. You've built a community. You have influence. The money IS flowing consistently. 

You’re reaching up to 100k+ months through your commitment and devotion to your work except your overworking tendencies are keeping you stuck at an upper limit while still not feeling RICH, FULL, POWERFUL, & OVERFLOWING in life & money. 

Your relationship with money is your relationship with EVERYTHING.

I'm here to show you how to radically expand your financial health, wealth, & freedom through YOUR unique somatic liberation journey into life-giving regenerative wealth.

Listen, I get it, you got a lot going on. You're afraid more money will suck your soul and stress you out. . Here's the thing, you're already doing the most & still not satisfied..

Through this individualized somatic work, you will learn to do LESS while receiving MORE.

You desire more money, time, space, and freedom outside of toxic capitalism.

This is what it means to decolonize your relationship with money into regenerative wealth.

We can only relate to money in a way that feels safe in our bodies. For most of us, when we are scared of bigger numbers- it looks like clinging to money, pushing it away, or just disconnecting from it entirely.

Re-encoding your body to relate to money in a REGENERATIVE WAY is revolutionary.

This exactly the work we dive into in my private container. 

You're here to rise in the magic you offer the world through your heart's work while growing your wealth & impact from the depths of your soul.

You are in your devotion, accountability, and pleasure.
And you're ready for more.

You are right on divine time, you beautiful being.
You're about to take the fuck off in how you receive money with pleasure & freedom, now is when decide to leap into your new receiving paradigm..
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Radical evolution, divine feminine embodiment, sacred intimacy, regenerative wealth mentorship through a trauma-informed, socially conscious, spiritual approach
"Hands down the best investment I've ever made, easily." - Amber L

"There is something truly special about working with someone who is there to help you unlock what has been there all along. Jasmine helped unlock a lot of power within me that I’ve always had but was too afraid to acknowledge was there."- Andrea

"Jasmine provided a safe space to show up and meet the heaviest, most challenging shadows. Above all, working with Jasmine was literally so much fun. She brings a curious, creative, playful energy to her containers so that they morph into exactly what they need to be." Anna H

"Jasmine is just embodied magic. I highly recommend working with her to get the tangible experience of her medicine." -Viviana V 

I celebrate this container so fucking much. I don’t think I fully understand how much of a gift this is for me and how much of a gift you are for me and for anyone that crosses your path and gets to be in your presence and work with you." Kendall

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Let's be real babe.
I'm going to be straight up and tell you this right now. A lot of people are going to white wash  & spiritually bypass around the fact that expanding your relationship with money requires a ferocious heart that is willing to keep opening to quantum growth that is beyond logic every time it contracts from fear. I won't hide the truth of what is required of you.

I know what it was like before I leveled up my money game and allowed myself to receive the depth of support I desired for my body to thrive in my leadership.

I have managed a full international team, multiple trainings, programs & offerings, while working myself to the bone only to discover that higher flows of money kept feeling draining and taxing to my system.. so I would unconsciously fear having more and block my higher receiving.

I burned myself out and needed to entirely re-pattern my relationship with money to actually enjoy the life I built. I decided to take my nervous system re-calibration more seriously and get real intimate with money. What happened as I alchemized my ancestral money wounds, is that I opened my body to my highest flows of money and allowed myself to fully receive, steward, and hold more money that I'd ever known while feeling my most rich, spacious, pleasurable and free in my body.

I have gone through massive mind blowing transitions and initiations while traveling the world speaking, facilitating & coaching, falling in my deepest loves and hardest heartbreaks..

I have faced my deepest pains and greatest fears while manifesting my wildest unrealistic dreams.I have been to the depths of my being, darkness, and the core of my heart and spirit.

All behind the scenes of building a beautiful career that embodies my juiciest desires and regenerative wealth that gives so generously to MYSELF AND the world from my overflow.
You get to have this too.

A thriving relationship with money is the inevitable key to create your most satisfying life and impact and it needs to go beyond the surface of manifestation, mindset work, and business-centered coaching. It requires working with your body’s personal relationship with money and goes ancestral deep.

Regenerative wealth liberates ancestral wounds at the roots of your nervous system and can only be done by re-wiring  your body to feel safe & free stewarding more money versus unconsciously resistant and stuck in your old patterns. My clients receive their highest cash days, weeks, and months with more ease and pleasure than they imagined possible when they first hire me.

The truth is that you're on this page for a reason and it's calling you into the woman you're ready to become. 

 This intimate high proximity individualized support will stretch your discomfort and expand you through your specific nervous system growth edges.  I will deeply hold you through what it takes to rise and thrive in your relationship with money while embracing your full spectrum humanness.

The woman who is so EXTRAORDINARILY nourished by money that you have the time freedom, location freedom, & energy freedom to follow your heart without sacrificing your rest, well-being, or BIG visions. 
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My work is non-linear.. while there is science to it, the transformation that happens inside my spaces is not logical, it's magical. Click here to learn more about my story and qualifications here.


This sacred container is for you if you're ready to reclaim a quality of life that fully lights you up and turns you on while embracing your most empowered leadership.


You're here to embrace your full magic while feeling fun, playful, authentic, and deeply supported by money's overflow.


You're here to increase your somatic capacity to steward money & regenerative wealth with pleasure as you further the impact of your soul's work.


This private container is a potent transformational portal into your healthiest nervous system nourishment with money in your embodied leadership.

Private mentorship includes:

An intimate, deep, brave space devoted to expanding the fuck out of your relationship with money, regenerative wealth, and feminine receivership so you can create greater impact in your juiciest power, pleasure, and liberation.

9 or 12 months of 1:1 private support

🪶3 75 minute nervous system liberation & somatic alchemy coaching sessions/month 

🪶 Unlimited Office Hours Voice Support (for all of the wisdom, tools, resources, & insight you need between calls)

🪶 Access to all live programs & content while in the container

The investment: $5,555/m or $45k/$60k PIF

PIF comes with a bonus call ($555 value)!

This is a multiple 5 figure investment for the woman who is devoted to transforming & expanding your relationship with money so that you can re-pattern your nervous system to hold REGENERATIVE wealth in wild overflow as you further your impact.  

DM me on IG to express your desire to take this next step.

Personally customized containers with flexible pricing are available upon personal consideration, please reach out if you're feeling called to co-create a customized container!

So excited to work with you!

Wild love, 


Hear from my clients

Testimonies from my soulmate clients 

Amber Mark

Artist, Producer, Writer

Sally Brown

Business Owner, Reiki Master, Energy Healer, Former Executive Director, mom of 3

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Anna H

"After working with Jasmine for a number of months now, I have witnessed tremendous shifts in my energy and outlook that I never would have anticipated. As a beginner in healing and spiritual practices, I did not know what to expect upon arriving to each session, but their healing work is truly accessible and as their bio says, they will “meet you exactly where you are at” in each moment. Our sessions have touched on many topics including meditation and rituals, inner child work, physical embodiment, and processing of challenging emotions. Jasmine creates an inviting space to work on sensitive, intimate subjects, so this work resonates deeply, beyond routine actions or surface-level commentary.

In addition to live guidance during our sessions, Jasmine consistently follows up with reflections on my progress and offerings - recommendations for my practice between sessions - and checks in with me periodically. These offerings are thoughtfully personalized based on what has come up during our sessions, incorporating my creative expression and providing the encouragement and space for me to work on what is most meaningful to me.  These encouragements have moved me to invest in myself in deeply transformational ways. 

Reflecting on my journey so far, I strongly recommend Jasmine as a transformation coach, and I’m so grateful to have this continued journey to look forward to."


Analia T

I decided to start working with Jasmine because I was deeply hurt. Our sessions together were the balm I needed. With Jasmine, I learned to truly feel and process my emotions. I learned to accept what I was feeling and not judge it. She helped me to understand the connection between the mind and body. We talked about a range of subjects I struggle with in length and she made me feel completely heard. She asked me things I had to grapple with but were so important to my healing. She helped me along my journey of finding value in myself instead of seeking validation from others. Jasmine is patient, insightful, empathic and a joy to work with. She is wise and experienced in her practice. She is dedicated and truly so fantastic at what she does. I worked with Jasmine in addition to my therapist and I am so glad I did!! I still practice what Jasmine taught me on a daily basis and would recommend her to anyone looking to be heard, to transform their core beliefs, their perceptions of self, and ultimately their life. Honestly, I cannot recommend her enough. She is a treasure and I am so excited for those who get to work with her.

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Caitlyn Sullivan

I am so grateful to have signed up for Jasmine's healing services. I was at a point with my own self-growth where I could no longer look just inward and to literary sources. I had to reach out to someone to talk to and Jasmine made it so easy. She is able to read her client well and quickly understands what resonates with them socially and spiritually, so she can help with anyone no matter where they are in their journey.  

She helped challenge my thinking and helped me get more in touch with my emotions so I could truly express them in a way that felt good to me. She did this through helping my morning routine, helping my self love, journaling and meditation, and working through past traumas. With Jasmine's sessions, it gave me the courage to continue to talk it out with a therapist to work through my past traumas. Thanks for reinforcing my belief that I am capable of change. 

Orange Blossom


The thing about healing and working with Jasmine is that I was finally able to hear my own authentic voice. There is something truly special about working with someone who is there to help you unlock what has been there all along. Jasmine helped unlock a lot of power within me that I’ve always had but was too afraid to acknowledge was there. I was so focused on creating this picture perfect magazine life that I wasn’t looking inward. Coming from a background of organized  religion, getting involved in anything spiritual or sacred scared me for a long time. Feeling safe during my sessions with Jasmine allowed me to tap into my power, and finally give myself and my soul the autonomy, love, and healing I had long deserved.

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