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Your sacred space to liberate yourself into your juiciest expansion & fullest expression as a wild, wealthy, woman & conscious leader.

I'm Jasmine. Through my unique methodology of Feminine Reclamation I work with women & femmes to reclaim their full feminine power to rise & thrive through deep ancestral healing, nervous system expansion, and somatic liberation work.

Hi beautiful being, 

 I'm going to be straight up and tell you this right now, I have created some wild magic as I've gone through hard ass shit in creating this dream life. I have lived in my car counting dollars working myself to the bone, suffered through the pain of relationships with addicts and abusers, & experienced the injustice of systemic oppression.. all behind the scenes of reclaiming my power and my liberation into a life that is wildly overflowing. I have gone to the depths of my being and the core of my spirit.


All of this work lead me to co-creating heart-centered spaces to empower creatives, healers, and visionaries to embody their full power, magic, and liberation in their conscious leadership. I earned a Bachelor Degree from USC and a Masters in Art & Public Policy from NYU before realizing my soul's calling into community empowerment and social entrepreneurship through my methodology which intersects wild feminine embodiment, regenerative wealth, and spiritual justice which I like to call: Feminine Reclamation.

In 2021 I decided to go full time in business after a year of being half in half out. I've been devoted to de-colonial anti-oppression work for 12+ years, but in entrepreneurship this work took on a whole new life as I began to awaken to spiritually aligned regenerative wealth. In my first month full time in business I welcomed in an abundant 4-figure cash day, a little while later I opened my body to receive 5 figure cash months, and by year 2 I'd expanded my nervous system to welcome in 5 figure cash days and healthy, fulfilling, devoted conscious intimate relationships while traveling the world. All of this blew my mind.


What I learned is this: money & wealth growth is about reclaiming your ability to feel safe & free to hold your power & reclaim your divine right to thrive in an unjust world. It was beyond magical to liberate myself into an embodied wealth far beyond money for the first time. Years of devotion to deep ancestral trauma healing had created a massive cosmic expansion into my radical reclamation in divine love, embodied leadership, and conscious wealth which created the space in my life to be in deeper service to myself, family, community, the collective, and mother earth. This is the mission I serve.


Now I support others to do the same in their own unique magic & medicine.


.. getting here has not been an easy road. Let me tell you where I came from.

Before my
Feminine Reclamation I was​..
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~Addicted to co-dependent chaotic, toxic relationships where I was over-giving and under-receiving in the wounded feminine & hypermasculine due to generational trauma of dysfunction, abuse, & CPTSD

-Disconnected from my spiritual guidance, intuition, & my body's intelligent wisdom

~C​onstantly living in scarcity and  feast & famine cycles, not knowing how to feel safe holding & expanding wealth due to survival rooted ancestral imprints

~Afraid to own my power to lead in high level spaces I felt unworthy of 


I was struggling in overwhelm, exhaustion, with chronic stress and anxiety pushing my body into burn out & dis-ease

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and through a decade of devotion to my spiritual evolution & expansion..

I was called into profound trauma healing and rich medicine work as a coach & mentor diving into the depths of sacred space holding and radical reclamation which inspired me to receive trainings in coaching, social justice trauma-informed yoga, and integrative somatic trauma therapy by some of best teachers in the world

Ultimately this lead me to become a Intimacy, Regenerative Wealth & Leadership Coach to support other women co-create a life that is wealthy- spiritually, emotionally, financially, and in richness of life. My coaching focuses on nervous system expansion, energetic & emotional mastery, subconscious reprogramming, somatic liberation, sexual & sensual intimacy, ancestral & generational healing, creative personal & professional fulfillment, plant medicine integration, and embodied leadership for humans desiring to own their next expansion in conscious leadership and serve their mission full of confidence, integrity, authenticity, and pleasure.

From leading programs & trainings within higher institutions and non-profit sectors in the reams of transformative justice, mindfulness & spiritual expansion, speaking in international conferences, co-faciliating in global retreats, and working with leaders in high level social impact, I became devoted to supporting women & change-makers in reclaiming liberation in their bodies, being in the most satisfying & fulfilling relationships, expanding regenerative wealth, and living purposefully in their soul's vision with greater ease and pleasure.

Let's work together

Deeper into the timeline of my story

Here's a glimpse into my journey of how I got to where I am now.. there's only so much the external can tell you.. but I hope this gives you more insight into my heart & soul


Professional Credentials

▹ Bachelors of Arts, University of Southern California

▹ Master of Arts in Art & Public Policy, New York University

▹ 1 Year Trauma Informed Spiritual + Social Leadership (Soulwork)


▹ Registered 500HR Trauma Informed Yoga Teacher

▹ Certified Advanced Meditation Teacher

▹ Certified Advanced Trauma Informed Facilitation 

▹ Certified Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy

A full spectrum of real world experience and lived wisdom in life, love, & business decolonizing & dismantling systemic oppression 

Intimate Private Mentorship: Nikka Karli, Melissa Moffet, Melissa Ruiz, Ana Kinkela

Trained under: Arielle Schwartz PhD- clinical psychology & psychotherapist trauma expert, author, & specialist,

Manuela Mischte-Reeds LMFT -Trauma expert, Embodied-Dharma Teacher, Trauma-Somatics Consultant for Organizations & Executives, Licensed Master Psychotherapist, Mentor of Global Leaders & Healers

Staci K Haines - national leader in the field of Somatics, specializing in trauma healing, and intersecting personal and social transformation. Co-founder of generative somatics a multiracial social justice organization bringing somatics to social and climate justice movements.

Dr. Peter Levine -founder of the Somatic Experiencing™ Trauma Institute: Foundation for Human Enrichment,

Scott Lyons PhD-  Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Doctor of Osteopathy, and Mind-Body Medicine practitioner

Richard Schwartz PhD- creator of Internal Family Systems

Anti-Oppression, Trauma Informed Embodiment Approach

I offer private and group coaching and facilitation to deepen, expand, and strengthen your relationship with yourself, your community, and Mother Earth. By connecting intersectional activism with the mind, body, and spirit in the process of self and collective healing- I co-create sacred space for aspects of identity, power, and intergenerational trauma to be transformed into personal and collective liberation.

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Social Equity


Art Activism

My mission to empower & awaken healers, creators, & visionaries through my methodology of Feminine Reclamation works through transforming ancestral wounds and systemic oppression into embodied wisdom and feminine power to be fully expressed and reclaim the health, wealth, and liberation to thrive in your personal & professional lives.

In addition to creating group empowerment programs focused on trauma healing, self expression & development, and personal expansion, I specialize in building healthy, regenerative ways to engage with intersectional social issues within community & private practice. I work with leaders, creatives, entrepreneurs, institutions, and organizations taking initiative in transformative justice. Depending on the intent- workshops are a mixture of critical dialogue, investigative research, explorative artistic expression, and solution-oriented strategies.

As a Black, Mexican Indigenous queer artist, my art serves as a means for me to express the multidimensionality of human consciousness within and beyond the constructs of identity to uplift & empower our collective healing & transformation. My art forms include singing, filmmaking, dancing, acting, modeling, theatre-making, and poetry. Contact for rate inquiries or for possible collaborations.

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