The death portal is taking me even deeper into my soul, I thought I was emerging but I am still very much in surrender to the void
I’ve been here so many times before and each time it feels familiar and yet entirely a mystery..
System upgrades are catalytic in these times.. so much is crumbling & shattering, reforming & rebuilding all at once so I’m creating more space in the slowness of the evolution and letting the shifts settle in their own time, not rushing the process
Allowing the major alchemy at play to do its thing..
I am becoming a whole new being and embracing this space in between
Staying mostly offline, dropping deeper in pleasure, play, & prayer.. all the while medicine has been flowing through me, getting ready to share..
In the gap space, the in between, the void
The pain of letting go of another life that will not fit in the next evolution of my dreams
For what got me here won’t take me any further
I look back at who she was before she became who I am in the making, with soft gentle eyes
For you I will be better
For you I will sharpen my mind
For you I will strengthen my body
For you I will leave the past where it belongs
For you I will release distractions
For you I will live for every moment
For loving you is the greatest gift I have been given
And I am devoted to learning how to love you harder every day
Inhale as deeply as I am letting her in, exhale as deeply as I am letting her out
How much slower can I drink you in..
Because what I am learning more and more. is that I am in no rush to live this life fully
Om guru dev namo
I trust in the wisdom of the universe